IDF strike kills Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin

IDF strike kills Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    This morning (22 March), in a security forces operation in the northern Gaza Strip, the IDF targeted a vehicle carrying the head of the Hamas terror organization, Ahmed Yassin and his aides. Yassin, who was personally responsible for numerous murderous terror attacks, resulting in the deaths of many civilians, both Israeli and foreign, was killed in the attack.

    Yassin was the dominant authority of the Hamas leadership, which was directly involved in planning, orchestrating and launching terror attacks carried out by the organization.

    In this capacity, Yassin personally gave his approval for the launching of Kassam rockets against Israeli cities, as well as for the numerous Hamas terrorist bombings and suicide operations.

    In his public appearances and interviews, Yassin called repeatedly for a continuation of the 'armed struggle' against Israel, and for an intensification of the terrorist campaign against its citizens.

    The successful operation against Yassin constitutes a significant blow to a central pillar of the Hamas terrorist organization, and a major setback to its terrorist infrastructure.

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    (Communicated by the GPO)

    Several other Hamas terrorists were also killed in this morning's Israel Air Force attack in Gaza, in which Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was killed:

    Khalil Abu Jiab - born in 1973, a resident of the Mouasi refugee camp, Hamas terrorist since the 1990s. Abu Jiab was arrested by Israel in 1991 and admitted to perpetrating terrorist acts against IDF soldiers and local residents. He was released in 1994 in the context of the prisoner release that accompanied the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. He rejoined Hamas' military wing. Since 2001 he served as one of Ahmed Yassin's personal escorts.

    Ayoub Atallah - born in 1978, a resident of the Jebalya refugee camp. He was arrested by the Palestinians in 1995 due to his activities as a member of Hamas's military wing. He was released in 1999 but was soon re-arrested and re-released by the Palestinian security services. Since 2001, he served as one of Ahmed Yassin's personal escorts.

    Abdul Aziz Eini Yassin, born in 1974, and Abdul Aziz Hamid Yassin, born in 1972 - sons of Ahmed Yassin, Hamas terrorists. They accompanied their father everywhere, were among his closest confidantes and were in touch with all Hamas terrorists who came in contact with their father.